Cycling the Rockies

Well! It seemed time for another adventure on our bikes. Having cycled the length of France from Caen to Cannes with a detour up the mighty Mt Ventoux in 2018 a different challenge was needed. For those that don’t know Rob and Tim met through their rugby playing days at Winchester RFC and have special personal reasons for supporting MNDA and HIOWAA as they did on the France ride. Rob lost his wife Kate to MND in 2014 and not to put to fine a point on it Tim’s life was saved by the Hampshire Air Ambulance in 2013. For this adventure Tim’s school friend Adrian, who is not a cyclist, joined the team and again for personal reasons chose to support Cancer Research UK.
So why not have an adventure in Canada this time!
Between 6th and 15th July we will be cycling from Calgary to Vancouver through the Rockies covering a distance of 800 miles with an elevation over 14,000 metres.
But in this we have persuaded 9 others to join us in the madness. Having cycled France with us Fin was in before we could blink quickly followed by Rob’s old Uni friends David and Rosie. Mutual friends Mike and Nicki then couldn’t resist the adventure. Karin who having joined us in France and still insists she hates cycling will join us for the last three days - only because her son lives in Vancouver. Which meant Will had to come again to drive the hire car back to Vancouver that Karin needed to find us en route.
I can’t believe that I persuaded my good friend Colin to be our support van driver for the entire trip. He did the same in France. But doing support on your own is no fun so Danny who went to Uni with Colin is now on the team too. Danny has cycled the route before, albeit 25 years ago, so will split his time doing some cycling and reminiscing with Colin in the van.
That’s our team. We’re at the peak of our fitness and sparing blushes our average age is north of 60.
Over the last 7 years we’re acutely conscious of the generosity of your donations to MNDA and HIOWAA. On this fundraiser we are so pleased to also support Cancer Research UK and share any donations between the three deserving charities.
Thank you in anticipation of any support of our efforts but please do spread the word amongst your friends and work colleagues as we raise awareness of the fantastic work undertaken by these charities.
The Cycling the Rockies Team.
Event Update
Cycling the Rockies is done! 821 miles, 11,400 meters of climbing all in 10 days. What a fabulous experience and one not to be repeated. All arrived safely in Vancouver despite two minor crashes, five punctures and one broken derailleur hanger that was successfully repaired by a kind Canadian in his garden shed. The scenery was stunning over the entire ten days as was the wildlife having seen bald eagles, moose, rattlesnakes and even a bear on the final day.
Any further donations for our efforts and for three very deserving charities would be wonderful.