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Saturday 21st May 2022


Bike to Hike 2022

The Bike to Hike Challenge 2022 is the brainchild of James and Gill Stewart who are coming together with friends to ride down France from coast to coast and then hike across a good part of the Alps. The cycle is from St Malo to Nice and 1600km. The walk is a further 300km going from Chatel to Modane. The combined climbing height is 30,000m! To put that in perspective it is like climbing Scafell, the highest peak in England, over 30 times! Quite an undertaking and physical challenge for mostly 60 year olds!

UPDATE - we have just completed the Bike leg and cannot everyone enough for their support. It was certainly a challenge particularly the second week as the temperature rose and the serious climbs started. Minds now turning to the hike which begins in August!!

We will be supporting specific projects for two charities which we are close to our hearts : Our local  Riding for the Disabled, who run sessions for children and adults with physical disabilities and learning difficulties; and Power for the People, who invest in the vision of communities living in extreme poverty in East Africa, partnering with them to build bright, sustainable futures.

Donations to this challenge will be split between the charities and will be used to support the following two projects:

Window on the World – PAOIRINHER, Uganda

The Patongo Orphans Infants’ Health Rehabilitation Centre (PAORINHER) is a life-saving health clinic and support centre for over 500 children with HIV and Aids and their families in Northern Uganda.   It was established in 2007 against the backdrop of 20 years of brutal civil war which left behind thousands of orphans and vulnerable families - many of whom were HIV positive and shunned by the community.

Since 2019, PFP has worked with PAORINHER to address their immediate needs for water, power and food – whilst also laying the foundations for a sustainable future. 

”Give them the opportunity, give them the dignity; these children can make a huge difference in society.”

  Raymond Okot, Founder and Director of PAORINHER

How will your support make a difference?

The funds you raise will enable us to deliver a ‘Window on the World’ for PAORINHER.  With your support, we will build a new classroom with computers, connectivity and library books. This will have an incredible impact, improving the education of the primary children, enabling adult ICT classes, developing voluntary skills (via e-learning) and enabling secondary education in computing.  It will also enable the Centre to connect with other communities across the world including other PFP projects.  This project will benefit over 500 children and vulnerable families as well as the wider community.

UPDATE - we have now raised enough money for the Paorinher project and are now going to help fund a second Window on the World project at Remba which is a small community on the shore of Lake Victoria.

This is the current classroom at Paorinher.