Your donation to Em10

Hi, Emilie here.


I was 17 when my whole world was turned upside down and I was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer. Over the course of 18 months, I underwent intensive treatment, including chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and over ten operations. One of these included the removal of half my sacrum, the location of the tumour. 


It was an extremely dark and scary time, but I am so lucky to say that in December this year, I will be 10 years cancer free. This feels like a huge milestone, and I can’t help but reflect on all the wonderful organisations that helped to make life that little bit more bearable during those long 18 months. It’s heart breaking that others will have to go through what I endured which is why I am so passionate to give back to the charities that hold a special place in my heart. They need vital funds so that others can benefit like I did and continue doing amazing work with children & young people battling a cancer diagnosis.


That’s where the idea of Em10 came in. Despite chronic pain from my operations, I love being active and love a challenge and so I had the idea of doing 10 events to raise money for these organisations, one for every year I’ve been cancer free. Many of these events won’t be easy for me, but there was a time when these activities would have been completely impossible for me and so, despite the pain, I want to celebrate just how far I have come and show that we are stronger than we think!


The ten events are:


1.     Great Run Manchester – 10K – 26th May 2024

2.     Yorkshire 3 Peaks – 22nd June 2024

3.     Belvoir Castle Triathlon – 28th July 2024

4.     Charity Swim – 57 miles – my house to St James Hospital Leeds – over the course of the weekend, everyone swims and sends proof of their distances to me, and they’ll get pooled together - 10-11th August 2024

5.     Coast 2 Coast Cycle – 23-26th August 2024

6.     Great North Run – HM – 8th September 2024

7.     Charity Netball Tournament Manchester – 18th November 2024 - The Velodrome, Manchester

8.     Ongoing Cancer Research charity shop drive – using my gift aid number will let us know how much we have raised. 18382098 Heald M1 2FU - find your nearest shop here.

9.     Ongoing blood/Platelet drive – I can’t do this anymore, but I needed a lot of both, so people giving on my behalf – take a picture whilst there and tag me in the picture on Instagram (@em10_cic) using the hashtag #Em10 so I can make a collage at the end! (or alternatively email to - find your nearest blood donation centre here or platelet centre here.

10.  Charity Ball (including charity auction) – 14th December 2024 – The Deep, Hull – tickets on sale soon.


I’ve got some amazing friends and family who have already signed up for some of these events with me, and other awesome friends who want to do their own events to help me to raise money for all these wonderful charities too. The more the merrier, so if anyone would like to join, please sign up and let me know.


Alternatively, if anyone is doing an activity and you do not have a specific charity/cause, then this is a great one to do it for!


Thank you so much for reading this spiel, and any donations, however big or small, will be greatly appreciated!


P.S. If anyone has anything they would like to donate to the charity auction, which will be taking place in December, please email me at Thank you <3

The charities I have chosen to support and the reasons why can be found on the campaign page Em10

Your Donation

Gift Aid

Gift Aid allows UK charities to claim back the basic rate tax already paid on donations by donor if they are a UK Tax payer. This means we can claim back from the government on your behalf 25p for every £1 donated, boosting the value of the donation by a quarter.

Gift Aid
By claiming Gift Aid connected to your donation you are confirming that:
  • The organisation receiving the donation is a charity registered with the English Charity Commission, Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator, Charity Commission of Northern Ireland or exempt from registration for Charities Trust to reclaim Gift Aid on their behalf.
  • You are a UK taxpayer, in accordance with the requirements of the Gift Aid scheme
  • The donation consists solely of your own money and does not include funds donated by others, eg. a group of friends of team at work
  • The donation does not comprise the proceeds from the sale of goods or provision of services – eg. a charity auction or cake sale
  • You are not sponsoring a relative who has received a contribution towards their event costs – eg. the donor is fundraising overseas and the charity has paid for their travel
  • You will not receive a benefit from making the donation in accordance with the requirements of the Gift Aid scheme
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